The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) is one of the world’s leading mental health research hospitals and at the leading edge of breakthroughs in mental health research for over 20 years. Promoting collaborative care, the Phase 1C Redevelopment integrates innovative treatment, research and education facilities with commercial and retail space at the heart of Toronto’s iconic Queen Street West community.
Construction includes two new campus structures, the McCain Complex Care Recovery building, complete with a mental health library, 290-seat auditorium and simulation learning center; and the Crisis and Critical Care building, which will include a 24-hour emergency department and a complex mental illness unit. Combined, the two facilities will support 235 beds for the acutely ill and patients with complex mental health issues. Once complete, the inpatient and clinical programs will be housed on one campus, thus creating more accessibility and opportunities for collaboration across the campus.
Both buildings are targeting LEED Gold certification and have upgraded surrounding green spaces to promote wellness and an inclusive environment. Adding to its community improvement efforts, the exterior renovation also includes restoring the historic heritage wall that surrounds the campus.
Singled out for demonstrating exceptional innovation and a standard of excellence in public-private partnerships, CAMH received a Silver Award for Project Development at the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships (CCPPP), excelling in its extensive plans to integrate new buildings with the surrounding community to create a more inclusive environment.
Winters in Canada can add a few extra challenges to a project. For one, it is critical to keep the newly erected concrete structures as dry as possible while they are curing. Owing to skilled labor shortages, a simple method was essential for enclosing and adequately heating the building interior for winter construction.
Engaging PCL’s innovative Solution Provider approach, the team developed a cost effective Tarp and Strap method that has both a fast and simple installation method engaging only a carpenter and laborer and using easily obtained material.
This new facility is one of the many ways Canada’s largest mental health teaching hospital continues to drive positive change across the country.
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